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She stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her away, she adjusted her sails.

— Elizabeth Edwards

Let’s Begin. Here. Now.

I had a moment recently where I realized my insides didn't match my outsides. I looked at my space, my home, and it was boring. Sparce. It lacked invitation.

How do you begin to create that space, where your vision matches your heart?

Steps. Small ones and big ones.

I wanted a space that is warm and inviting. It's loving and unconditional. You feel welcome here. Grab a cup of coffee and sit and talk for hours kind of space. Joy filled.

A piece of furniture that has a story to tell...or perhaps one you create yourself. Pillows that add warmth and color. Each piece represents you. The energy you bring, your family and friends bring to this space. You create a space where you invite creativity. Passion.

You begin to manifest the thoughts that make your space an extension of your heart and your soul. Who you truly are. It rings against the walls and echoes down the hall. It invites you to smile as you walk through its rooms.

You see yourself in it. The love you have put forth and will continue to bring. You let the sun in. Invite others to feel the warmth.

Creating a space that moves you to bring your heart out in front of you takes time, patience, and trust. And so it is with almost everything else you create. Put your heart out on your sleeve and let others witness its beauty. Uncover your light underneath all those layers of fear and insecurity.

Let's begin. Here. Now.

In between the dust and the animal hair in the corners. Joy resides here. In the nooks and the crannies of not just your home, but your heart.

Open the window a little more.