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Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.

— Maya Angelou

Finding Your Joy

It's difficult to say where we should begin. So many things...people, experiences, jobs, and circumstances have led us to this very spot. It's beautiful here. Finding your joy in the most unusual of places can lead the heart to let go of what we thought we had planned. Our journey starts long before now, but it did quite simply begin with a text message.  We put our passion out into the world, and before you know it, the universe showed up in so many beautiful ways. We are inspired by women. By mothers. By truth and magic. We keep our hearts on our sleeve, and we've learned to love ourselves in spite of it. We find passion in our children and our families. We choose to see our joy in everything. We thrive on connecting and inspiring, we long to see another find their joy. As women and mothers, we all seek our joy in unexplainable beautiful ways. And sometimes we push ourselves to the side in hopes that we can give others love and attention. But when we show up for ourselves, that is when we create: Create love, create beauty, create truth and create Who We Really Are. We are spiritual warriors that get sidetracked by diapers and Curious George.  But we have learned to remind ourselves of the passion that resides within us, and how that passion should live on the outside. It's there for each of you. You have the thought and the courage to dig deep, pull it out and lay it out in front of you. You've had it all along. It's time now to speak your truth. It begins with choice. Choose to find your joy throughout your life and throughout your day. It's there. I promise. Choose to seek the beauty that stands right in front of you. It's a beautiful place to be, this choice. It means you have the power. The unbridled, no nonsense, passionate, joyful power of finding your truth. That power will begin to wither away the fear that has usually taken the place of your joy. Send it love. It's time for you now. Welcome to our passion. Our passion of connecting with women, mothers, sisters and daughters. We invite you to come with us on this journey. We have found our joy, and what a blessing that it is only the beginning.


  • August 9, 2012

    I agree! We find our joy when we set the intention to do so and we make a choice to see it around us. It’s not about “seeing the glass half full;” it is seeing the beauty and clarity of the glass, the purity of the water, and the blessing of having the opportunity to sip on this life-filled elixir.
    Thank you for your post…I found a lot of joy in it!

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