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The purpose of our lives is to be happy.

— Dalai Lama

So many thoughts-what to do, who to catch up with, what presents to buy, make a budget, clean the house ......

This time of year can be a mix of abundance and lack: finding the money for gifts, finding the time to shop, finding the love for each other while parading through the mall.  All the while the abundance still floats around us in the form of gift giving, tiny gestures of love among the crazy, and unconditional support to those in need.

It is the important act of choosing, in this busy holiday season, to choose magic. Believing in the impossible. Taking deep breaths and remembering the abundance in your life. It may be the laughter, the food, the money or the love. In the choosing we find our own peace, and it connects us back to the now.

May the abundance  of love and joy float into your life this season, and may it bring you peace.