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Go so far away that you stop being afraid of not coming back.

— Eve Ensler

I was recently contemplating a stressful situation. As I was reliving conversations (or imagining them in my head) I just overheard myself say to myself, "Those were my emotional years". What is wrong with the emotional years? Is it just because I have some extra hormones laying around from my pregnancies or that I'm inching my way closer to menopause. What is it that makes us so afraid to

Sometimes its the most simple of actions. A decision in the moment. One that takes weeks. It's a personal and deeply moving action, being brave. The definition states, "possessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance."  I believe its personal for each of us. We each have our own brave.   Women, mainly, and mothers in particular, face bravery every day. Choices that may seem small at the time lead