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Live Well!
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Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.

— Louisa May Alcott
Healthy Balance, The Living Well

Too Full of a Life?

I don't think there is any such thing. There are lives too full of work. Lives too full of play.  Lives too full of random. Lives too planned out. I live a very scheduled existence. Between my children's schedules. Client schedules. Somewhat scheduled due dates. Scheduling time with my beau. Scheduling individual time with my kids. Joint time. Family time. Bath time and bed times. I literally have to schedule time for me. All too often I get the last-minute or necessary thing that fills up those times. I feel guilty taking them. I feel guilty asking for them.  But, I know that they are essential for mental clarity. Sanity. Survival. Putting your life on paper gives you a new perspective. Wow! I spend how much time doing x, y and z? When did I last kick my shoes off and let a stream wash over my feet?  I taught my children this joy...but, when did I last do it for myself? When was the last time you did it for yourself? It doesn't take long. Doesn't cost much. It doesn't really even take much time. The "cost" is minimal for such a large gain. Whatever recharges you. Moonlight dance. A lazy bath. A pedicure. Some time with your inner creative goddess. Paint. Draw. Write. Sing. Stroll through an art gallery. Sip a latte and read poetry on the floor of Barnes and Noble. Find the things that bring you a moment of peace. It helps your soul smile. You may have the perfect family. The perfect job. The perfect body. But, it is never worth extinguishing your inner fire. We all need a little sunshine...might as well let it shine from within!

Birth Doula, Massage Therapist, Childbirth Educator and Naturopathic Practitioner