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Many eyes go through the meadow but few see the flowers in it.

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Angels Within Us

Do you ever sit around and think about angels?  Really?  Do they exist? Who are they?
Today I wondered, "Do angels have to bargain?  Do they have to barter with other angels for the safety of muptiple people?" Because, not everyone is lucky all the time. A loved one is involved in an accident and somehow comes out unscathed. Who is to thank for that?  Did he have a guardian angel playing a better hand that day...or are the angels within us? Some would call it intuition...but, was something bigger whispering to him that morning to distract his worried mind?  What would have him pause a few feet further back from the intersection and literally...

Come out of it alive!

Not everyone in that accident was so blessed. Not everyone in this life finds the blessings in the accidents of their lives either.  I am of the belief that there are no accidents. These terrible or frightening times are there to teach us a lesson.  Often to shake us up a bit; crack open a hard exterior that we dress ourselves in.  Shake out the blackness and let a little light in.

Open our hearts a bit.

Whether it be angels, lucky stars, heavenly beliefs, an unlucky rabbit or your mother's prayers...something or someone is always out there protecting you.  Wishing your soul another chance to dance with theirs.

You are never alone, no matter how futile life can seem or how small of a part you think you play.

Maybe that love you feel for someone else, is the prayer that the angels hear...it is their siren to save the day.

Maybe angels don't just sit on clouds and don halos and feathered wings.  Maybe they are our links to other souls...tethers to the earth.  For without these links, we could just float away ourselves.  Isn't that what we feel like when we are suffering or depressed.  We wish to be invisble and unseen...instead of held in an aura of love and an energy of peace. Find that solace within your heart and honor the ties that bind you to others.  That raw honesty could very well be the call to save a life.  It could envelope you in an atmosphere filled with rich experiences or little delicacies that you come to cherish.  It isn't just putting on your child's shoes...it is a chance to get down, one on one, look your child in the eye, teach them and share something beautiful for even the smallest moment. There is more to life than the daily grind. Life is about love.  Life is about friendship. It is about learning. Leaning on one another. Rising from it all.

Life is about what you make it.

You will draw to your life what you project out among the world.  Radiate love.  Radiate friendship.  Radiate the peace that you desire within your own heart. It will be your gift in return. Those moments of peace keep us safe.  From tragedies, accidents and the triggers in our own psyche that ignite the worries and woes.  Those moments of peace create the environment that we all want to live in.  Breathe it in and help make your world a place even you want to be. I believe in angels. I believe spirits of the past are here to protect me. I smell them occasionally. An old familiar friend watches me.  But, he could just be the air I breathe that inspires me to take one more step.  To watch my path.  To hold me in sorrows.  My tether to the earth...keeping me here and grounded.  That is, until my time to watch over another is upon me. We are all angels.  With kindness in our wings...
  Angels are all around us, all the time, in the very air we breathe.  -Eileen Elias Freeman

Birth Doula, Massage Therapist, Childbirth Educator and Naturopathic Practitioner