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Many eyes go through the meadow but few see the flowers in it.

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Step into the Sunshine

"In the depth of the winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer." -Albert Camus
Journals. I have tons.  I dug them out today. Stacked them up. Flipped through them. sigh. All these beautiful pages I have wasted. They yearn for fulfillment. They want to go on a journey. Feel something...and I have neglected them.  Yet, I continually go to the store and stare at new ones. Touch their soft covers. Covet them for their welcoming natures. Buy them, but only for them to be on a shelf for use at a later date. But, what am I waiting for? Writing has always been cathartic for me.  An easy, inexpensive way to clear my mind of the day's clutter.  I rarely know what I am going to write about when I sit down. Even if I do, often something in me opens up and I evolve my story into something much more raw, passionate and less self-effacing. In school you were always given an asignment.  Did that make it easier?  Should I find a list of things to write about?  No, this isn't school...this is life. "Just write!" I must tell myself, I must say it out loud. Today, after feeling how I have neglected these pieces of art, beautifully bound by bookmakers...I realized that I have been cooped up.  Not just physically, but mentally and emotionally.  Knowing what I do about health, I know that this emotional element paves the way for what physically ails me as well.  I stepped into the sunshine. ahhhhh...that feels good! A small rush of vitamin D coursed through my veins, the warmth penetrated my soul.  I stopped for a moment and realized that I could make this feeling continue, I had time to write today. Who needs to clean the house when there is writing to be done?  If this writing is going to help me clear my mind of the chatter that is keeping me congested and clogged...then this is my priority. The quote above quickly came to mind, yes, within each of us is a warmth and a guiding light.  Step into that light.  Begin to journal, unleash your inner voice, welcome the guidance that is in your heart.  It will guide you to mental clarity and a healthy perspective. Welcome it. It will guide you home.    

Birth Doula, Massage Therapist, Childbirth Educator and Naturopathic Practitioner