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Live Well!
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Many eyes go through the meadow but few see the flowers in it.

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

I don't think there is any such thing. There are lives too full of work. Lives too full of play.  Lives too full of random. Lives too planned out. I live a very scheduled existence. Between my children's schedules. Client schedules. Somewhat scheduled due dates. Scheduling time with my beau. Scheduling individual time with my kids. Joint time. Family time. Bath time and bed times. I literally have to schedule

            I haven't been particularly awesome at feeling. Feeling emotions, feeling love for myself, my body, my being. I was reading a few weeks ago, and in this moment of mid-paragraph, these thoughts started to flood my mind, so I picked up my journal and scribbled it all down:: "We continue to seek connection with that we assume is outside of ourselves-Source, Spirit, God, The Universe. We search outside

                            She stands tall. Naked and vulnerable. Open to the elements and unforgivably strong to the wind. She bares her imperfections. She realizes now they make up her soul.   It wasn't always this way. This knowledge. This trust and faith she has year after year. She remembers the first time she was stripped down. To the bare branches. It was cold and she felt vulnerable and open. Open to criticism of