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Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.

— Brene Brown

Touching Justin Timberlake (and other spiritual stories). Oh..and a give away!

download-4   I was introduced to vision boards when I was about thirteen. It was the most magical concept I could have ever been introduced to. This friend of my mother's told me how if I cut out pictures and words and paste them into a journal or notebook, and looked at this and felt the emotions and feelings that were created from this collage, that I could have everything I ever wanted. I would bring into my reality the things that I put my energy into. ((That's a really tricky thing to tell a pre-teen, by the way))   Jump ahead about four years later, and I had the fiery idea that if I could truly create what I wanted, then Justin was my next project. Uh huh. I was convinced I could manifest an experience with Justin Timberlake.  Fast forward about another six months. I meet another girl named Jessica and she tells me she is also slightly obsessed with NSync. Soulmates. Instantly. One day she calls me to tell me she has extremely exciting news. (We were seniors in high school, so really anything could have been exciting at this point). She hurriedly tells me into the phone that her dad just found who is new business partners are. And one of them is Justin's dad. That's right. Let's do this thing, universe. Shortly after this picture was taken (we had front row tickets to their concert in New Orleans), Justin stopped in front of me and sang. I put my hand up and he held it for a few moments and then continued down the stage. There it was. My moment. I had actually done it. From that point forward I was convinced. And of course, as I grew older my vision boards would change. And learning from the experiences would also shift and teach me things about manifesting and creating in so many different ways. I still enjoy, however, the process. The freedom it gives me to browse through magazines and know I can have whatever I want. I can choose what pulls on my spirit and cut it out and paste it to a piece of paper. That paper becomes my magic. It's the feeling, the essence that is created through this process that propels the law of attraction at you. Like attracts like. Negative attracts negative. I've manifested all sorts of things. Most recently it was my home. I knew what I wanted and what I wanted it to feel like. I didn't know how I would get there, as I was separated from my husband at the time and living in a small apartment. I felt the sunlight. I saw it stream through windows onto my wood floors. I saw a kitchen with counters space and plenty of cupboards. I felt it in my heart. And I was **open** to what ever the universe thought was best. A few months later my husband and I got back together, and last year we found this house. The house I had felt months before. This beautiful combination of trust and love and open.  
 A give-away...for YOU!  


  We have declared April our month of connection. Of open and receive. Thank you to all the incredible women who signed up for our ecourse for this month. We are exploring all sorts of ways to open to magic this month, but we want to continue the dance for all of you to join our tribe. Sign up for our newsletter by April 9th, and we will randomly select two names to win a $50 gift certificate and 1 free coaching session. It's our way of saying, we think you are pretty damn awesome, and we want to show you how much you rock. Head on over here for more details!