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Giving opens the way for receiving

— Florence Scovel Shinn

A Pregnant Pause…

Consider this a "pregnant pause". A metaphor of a time that resembles a literal pregnancy. A time when the body is growing a new life, a new human, the joys to come. A pause for effect to make the reader (or viewer...or one living the moment) think about what is head of us. Usually it is of significance, just as a birth is full of meaning.

Many of us are worried about when the bans will be lifted, when the numbers will ebb...when we will return to normal. This time can feel a little like a birth. We hear the news, it sits with us a while before we realize it is real. Then we try to prepare as best we can for a day full of unknowns. But the result, a beautiful transition. For many (for most) life will not be the same. Hopefully this time has impressed upon the humans as a whole a precious reminder that we are not in control of this world. No matter how much we think we are.

It is a beautiful transition to witness, as a birth doula, in so many families. Seeing the partner offer support. Watching a woman surrender and then discover more power than she realized she ever possessed. She is reborn a mother. A newborn cradled in tender arms. A family is welcomed into the fold. But, we aren't in control. It is a huge lesson in pregnancy and labor...and beyond.

The same is true for a new family. Their life will never be the same. This pregnancy has been more about hope and having a family, but it never really hits them fully until labor begins. That long anticipated moment that even when expected seems to hit you out of the blue. No matter how much you prepared. Read all the books. Watched all the YouTube videos. Discussed with friends. Heard advice from strangers. It hits you and you are changed forever.

Some of the current stressors seem to accentuate this new beginning and possibly make it even more joyous. It encourages a new mother to remain home longer than she may have allowed herself before this outbreak. (A time when she should be home and healing anyway.) More time to focus on baby. Learn this parenthood gig together. It certainly is a shining spot amidst the daily news report.

Consider what you are using this time for, this pause. Are you tending to postponed self-care? Spending one on one time with family and welcoming the conversation and snuggles. Reading more. Playing games. Preparing for the next phase of what this life will look like for you and your family? Slowing down...slow, down. We are all worried about paychecks and security...but maybe this time has you focused on more personal and precious projects.

In the end, may we all find that this was just the time we needed to digest the necessary changes and focus on what matters most... a little energetic nudge.

The support will be there. If I can be with my clients in their birth location, I will. If not, we have other avenues. My support will not wane for I believe that this time deserves and needs to be illuminated. And, the people you need will be there as well. We all need and deserve a little TLC right now even if it looks different from how we thought it would, or who it would be.

This pause may feel like we are wading through darkness...but the sun will shine and warm us again. Be it a new baby, news jobs or new routines that bring us a little more light.

Life is tough enough without having someone kick you from the inside.     -Rita Rudner

Birth Doula, Massage Therapist, Childbirth Educator and Naturopathic Practitioner