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Many eyes go through the meadow but few see the flowers in it.

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Being Brave.

Sometimes its the most simple of actions. A decision in the moment. One that takes weeks. It's a personal and deeply moving action, being brave. The definition states, "possessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance."  I believe its personal for each of us. We each have our own brave.   Women, mainly, and mothers in particular, face bravery every day. Choices that may seem small at the time lead to such larger and more monumental actions and grander stories later. It begins a ripple effect that we can not see at the time. It takes a leap, or perhaps just a blind "toe in the water" decision that can lead to such beautiful repercussions. Honoring that bravery in one another, and more importantly, in ourselves can lead us to appreciating the decisions and choices we make on a daily basis. Be the quiet. And listen to your voice. It is that voice that will never lead you down the wrong path. Trust your gut...yourself...your emotions. We may not be saving kittens from a burning building. But we're saving ourselves. By listening. By remaining still. By choosing to be authentically who.we.are.   Bravery is showing up. For yourself. For your family. Choosing the best path based on what you know, and what you don't. Faith. Leaping. Head first into territory unknown. Being scared. And looking at it head on. Telling it you're not frightened anymore. Putting yourself first. Not afraid of being selfish. Being selfless. Speaking your truth.   I'm proud of you. Your bravery shins through you everyday. It may be small, it may be life changing. But its yours. And we honor that in you, and ourselves, today.