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Go so far away that you stop being afraid of not coming back.

— Eve Ensler

Lymphatic Drainage: Moving the waters

This week I accomplished a big goal for myself: I became a Certified Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapist.

Ooooh, what's that?

Think of your body...like the Earth. All of the little streams running toward the rivers and in turn toward the ocean. We have these same tributaries and watersheds within our own bodies and learning how to keep them healthy is a big part of Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD).

With somewhere between 600-700 lymph nodes in the body, and over 250-300 of them in your head and neck. These are little cleansing stations. Your body is constantly filtering the interstitial tissue between your skin and muscles and emptying that fluid back into the bloodstream like a giant waterfall, regulating protein concentration and storing lymphocytes. After that, the circulatory system takes over to cleanse that blood through the kidneys and liver...then it all circulates back again.  This lymphatic fluid consists of water, proteins, fats and foreign cells and microbes (germs, ew!) that need to be cleansed out.  This process generally occurs with movement, exercise, deep breathing...but occasionally it needs some help if the system is blocked or overloaded. Heat/humidity, altitude, trauma, dehydration, pressure on the lymph passageways, lymph node removal or surgery, scar tissue, allergies/high histamine responses or radiation can all cause a hindrance. Hence, where I come in!

Many of us stand or sit all day at work...this can leave our lymph stagnant. A compromised lymphatic system, pregnancy, autoimmune disorders and a whole host of other lifestyle or health concerns may make it harder for your body to process/redistribute fluids and dispose of wastes appropriately. In long term infections, such as Epstein Barr, the lymph nodes can eventually just...shut down. MLD therapists are able to gently and rhythmically work with your body to assist in those functions, supporting the lymph movement, helping you to gain more range of motion, relieving fluid retention, improve swelling, reduce pain and to assist in tissue repair.

Know anyone with a sprain? Whiplash? Hematomas (bruising), Post-Surgical edema, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Scleroderma (a whole host of autoimmune disorders), Oncology patients, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Migraines, Insomnia, Sinus/Allergy sufferers, Tinnitis, Fibrocystic Breast Disease, Pregnancy Edema, Mastitis prevention, Parkinson's, Autism, Diabetes, Inflammation, Lymphedema and many other disorders or discomforts can benefit from this modality.

So, shall we get you flowing again?  I am ready when you are!

Birth Doula, Massage Therapist, Childbirth Educator and Naturopathic Practitioner