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Live Well!
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Go so far away that you stop being afraid of not coming back.

— Eve Ensler

I was recently contemplating a stressful situation. As I was reliving conversations (or imagining them in my head) I just overheard myself say to myself, "Those were my emotional years". What is wrong with the emotional years? Is it just because I have some extra hormones laying around from my pregnancies or that I'm inching my way closer to menopause. What is it that makes us so afraid to

  I was introduced to vision boards when I was about thirteen. It was the most magical concept I could have ever been introduced to. This friend of my mother's told me how if I cut out pictures and words and paste them into a journal or notebook, and looked at this and felt the emotions and feelings that were created from this collage, that I could have

            I haven't been particularly awesome at feeling. Feeling emotions, feeling love for myself, my body, my being. I was reading a few weeks ago, and in this moment of mid-paragraph, these thoughts started to flood my mind, so I picked up my journal and scribbled it all down:: "We continue to seek connection with that we assume is outside of ourselves-Source, Spirit, God, The Universe. We search outside